i enjoy a winfast motherboard with built contained by graphics and sound and am not sure what helpful of lead it take
It depends if your motherboard (and therfore monitor) has a HDMI port, VGA port or DVI port.
I would vote you would have tried HDMI if it have one, so it's either a DVI or VGA port. DVI mortal the much newer technology on motherboards and monitors.
A DVI port looks like this:
A VGA port looks approaching this:
If you have a DVI port, afterwards you simply need a DVI cable such as http://www.infinitecables.com/mon_dvi-hd...
If you enjoy a VGA port, then it is one and only possible througha composite cable (composite to HDMI cable).
With either chance the quality may not be great so i would recommend confirming the brand name of your TV and what you want to do with a store past going ahead and buying one.
I hope this is of some help :)
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