Wednesday, September 15, 2010

can anybody afford me an idiots guide to re-calibrating the colours on my monitor?

I my display is profusely inaccurate. I hold a reminder set to do it every 30 days, and have on the other hand to mange to do anything. If I have found the 'colour' choice on the 'control panel', but cannot figure out what I am supposed to do near it to modify the colours, if I select "Microsoft CMM" it does not give any option, do I need to download or buy a fresh programme for other colour options?


I in actuality use a piece of software called Adobe Gamma that be installed with Adobe photoshop.
Macs hold an "Easy" button. And there is a calibration routine that adjectives the techs have... close to for iMacs, eMacs, that had CRTs.

Linux contains brilliant programs for that...

Microsoft basically suck$, and there might be an expensive solution out within, somewhere, in a hot 'driver'. Did you check out the website for your machine, your video card, or, your monitor, for Microsuck Drivers?
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