Wednesday, September 15, 2010

can anyone put in the picture me please why does my speakers keep hold of going past its sell-by date on my notebook?


The following answers:

Your workstation speakers are funny (dont work - need another one!)

The nouns is muted somehow on your pc

Your laptop driver may not work (right Click on my pc and device leader and sound card properies - first, update the driver)

Need a new nouns card.
check the connection on the speakers
If your nouns card drivers are not up to date you may be suffering data drop motivation the sound database may not be fully supported by the current drivers, you also need to save DirectX up to date as well as it contains audio components that window uses.
If all else fail, reinstall your sound card driver
you want to make sure of one article, it's cause by your speaker or your soundcard.

1st, question paper your speaker with other device such as CDplayer.

few possible problem are: -

a)the jack is conducting poor, due to oxidisation to the metal parts.(try verbs the jack or polishing it to remove the oxidization.)

b)wired tht is spoilt, due to excessive bending.

(try shake your wire to check wether get flicker sound.if there's nouns tht goes on and stale, get a technician to replace the chain for you)

c)Your Speaker is SPOILT


if you recently added modern hardware, try check your device manager see whether in that are any conflict between your hardware.

If tht happen merely when u try to open some audio profile or video, u might have corrupted video or audio codec, try reinstalling your medium player.
used home bars for

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