Monday, September 13, 2010

Can an lcd tv be connected to a CPU and used as a monitor.?

I've see some large lcd's (32",42") which can be used for presentations etc. Is in attendance a monitor jack for any popular brands of lcd tv's.I think Samsung's or Phillips' do.I be thinking of working on such a screen.Has n e one tried it?I do presentations and work near 3d softwares,graphics,etc.


Its done all the time, especially next to Media Center PC's. All you have to do is contest the ports on your graphics card to the ports on the television. If none game, you cant do it. DVI would probably be your best bet in such a situation (the white ports)
yep, mixed DVI connectors would do the trick. Most of the moderm graphics cards by nvida and ati come with DVI connectors.
Yes, but:

You want a video card that can handle it, and-

The TV will own a variety of connectors on it, among the possibilities: DVI, VGA, Component, Composite, and S-Video. You will carry best results connecting to a computer through Component, Composite, or S-Video, which most aftermarket video cards will handle.
yes... if your video card supports it.
Yes, but you any need a video card next to a TV out or a TV with a PC input. The PC input is a popular point on most of the new LCD, DLP, and Plasma TVs at the moment
in certainty yes it can..all you call for is the proper cable..the computer and the LCD tv are fast becoming the entertainment center of the furture

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